Vocabulary Trainer

Russian language - Your Word List Excel, Anki

About the exercise 

The exercise will help you learn about 1000 Russian words for this level.

To start learning, you need to familiarize yourself with the word cards.

After reviewing the cards, you can proceed to the tests.

If you make a mistake in any test, the word will be repeated.

After passing all the words of the exercise without errors, it is necessary to pass a knowledge test and transfer the results of the test to the learning mode, for further memorization of the unlearned words.

Progress: 0/0/0/0
Record: 0(0.00%) 000 000/300
Word cards
Word List
About the exercise

Study - Level 1

Three tests must be taken in one lesson:
  • Translate from Russian
  • Translate into Russian
  • Listen and translate

When passing the tests, the studied words will be voiced, or displayed in a yellow-green window, it is necessary to choose the correct answer from the six proposed translation options.

If during the test "Listen and translate", you did not have time to hear the voice of the word, click on the button with the image of "Megafon" to repeat the voice of the word, if you can not make out the voiced word, click on the button with the image "Bell" to display the transcription of this word.

To move to the next word, you must select the correct answer, and the number of remaining words (grey counter) is reduced by one.

If the correct answer is provided when choosing a translation, the count of words passed without errors (green counter) will increase by one, provided that the test has not previously given an incorrect answer for this word.

If an incorrect answer is provided when choosing a translation, the count of missed words (red counter) will increase by one.

If for a particular word when choosing an answer there were no errors in any of the tests, then such a word is considered conditionally studied.

If an error was made in at least one of the tests when choosing an answer for a particular word, such a word is considered "passed with an error" and after passing all the missed words, the words with errors will be returned for repetition, until they are passed without errors.

After passing all the tests in one lesson, you move on to the next lesson, where new words will be suggested for learning. The number of words for one lesson is selected in "Settings".

The words offered for study for this lesson can be viewed in the tab "Word Cards", such words are randomly selected from the general list of unpassed words of the exercise. The full list of exercise words can be found in the "Word List" tab.

After passing all the words in all tests without errors, such words are considered conditionally learned and you can go to "Level 2" or to the mode "Examing".

If, when passing the tests at "Level 1" you find that they are too simple for you, you can immediately go to "Level 2" without finishing the current tests at "Level 1", you can also pass the "Knowledge Check" for all words (selecting the maximum number of words in the settings) and "Transfer the results" of such a test to the "Study" mode, thereby weeding out all previously learned words.

Study - Level 2

Within one lesson you need to pass one test:
  • Enter a translation

When passing the test, the studied words will be displayed in a yellow-green window, you must enter the correct translation in the input field located under the window.

If, when passing the test, you do not know the correct answer, click on the button with the image "Bell", and a hint will appear in the pop-up window - "letter to be entered". When a tooltip is invoked, the word being studied is considered to have passed with an error, and the count of missed words (red counter) will increase by one, and the number of remaining words (grey counter) will decrease by one.

To move to the next word, you must fully enter the correct translation in the input field.

When entering a response, it is allowed to make one mistake, before the studied word is considered passed with an error. When the first mistake is made, the input field will turn yellow.

If two or more errors are made when entering a response, the word being studied will be considered "passed with an error", while the input field will turn red, and the number of words passed with an error (red counter) will increase by one, and the number of remaining words (grey counter) will decrease by one.

If no more than one error was made when entering a response, then such a word is considered conditionally studied, and the count of words passed without errors (green counter) will increase by one, and the number of remaining words (grey counter) will decrease by one.

Words that are missed with an error will be returned for repetition after passing all unlearned words, until they are passed without errors.

After completing all the words in one lesson, you move on to the next lesson, where new words will be suggested for learning. The number of words for one lesson is selected in the "Settings" The words offered for this lesson can be viewed in the "Word Cards" tab, such words are randomly selected from the general list of unpassed words in the exercise. The full list of words in the exercise can be viewed in the "{CONST_LGKtab _WORDSLIST}\.

After passing all the words of the exercise, having made no more than one mistake per word, such words are considered conditionally studied and you can proceed to the "Examing\ mode.

If, when passing the tests at "Level 2" you realize that they are too complex for you, you can go straight to "Level 1" without finishing the current tests at "Level 2".

You can also pass the "Knowledge Test" for all words in one exercise and "Transfer the results" of such a test to the "Study" mode, thereby weeding out all previously learned words.

Examing - Level 1

The words to be checked will be voiced or appear in the yellow-green window, you need to choose the correct answer from the six proposed translation options.
For each word to be tested, one of the tests will be selected in a chaotic order:
  • Translate from Russian
  • Translate into Russian
  • Listen and translate

If during the test "Listen and translate", you did not have time to hear the voice of the word, click on the button with the image of "Megafon" to repeat the voice of the word.

If you do not know the correct translation for the word being checked, you can click the "Skip" button (the button with the image of a double back arrow), after clicking you will go to the next word, and the current word will be considered "Passed with error" while the count of missed words (red counter) will increase by one, and the number of remaining words (grey counter) will decrease by one.

To move to the next word, you must select one of the proposed answers or click the Skip button (the button with the image of a double back arrow).

If no error was made in the selection of the answer, or the word was not "Skipped", then the count of words passed without errors (green counter) will increase by one, and the number of remaining words (grey counter) will decrease by one and the word will be counted:
- conditionally studied, if the minimum time for providing an answer was not selected in the settings;
- studied for pronunciation and perception, if the minimum time to provide an answer was selected in the settings;

If an error was made in the selection of the answer, or the word was "Missed", then such a word goes to the list of "Wrong answers" and is considered to be passed with an error, and the count of words passed with an error (red counter) will increase by one, and the number of remaining words (grey counter) will decrease by one.

For each correct answer, a certain number of points is awarded, which together determines the overall degree of mastery of the material expressed as a percentage.

For more information, the procedure for scoring and assessing knowledge is described in the "Examing" tab located in the "Instructions\ tab.

After passing all the words, you can view the list of "Bad Answers", and also transfer the results of "Knowledge Check" to the mode "Study".

The number of words passed per test can be selected in "Settings".

To regularly maintain the level of mastering the material, it is recommended to pass a daily knowledge test by selecting 100 words per exercise and the minimum time to provide an answer in the settings. Such an exercise will take no more than five minutes a day, and in ten days the bulk of the studied words for the selected exercise will be passed and a pool of forgotten or unlearned words will be formed for repeated passage in the "Study\ mode.

The words to test the knowledge are chosen in a chaotic order from the general list of words of the exercise. The number of words for one test is selected in "Settings".

After 100% mastery of the material within the framework of "Knowledge Test" at "Level 1", you can proceed to the knowledge test at "Level 2" or to regular knowledge testing to consolidate the learned words.

Examing - Level 2

One test must be taken in one lesson:
  • Enter a translation

When passing the test, the studied words will be displayed in a yellow-green window, you must enter the correct translation in the input field located under the window.

If, when passing the test, you do not know the correct answer, click on the button with the image "Bell", and a hint will appear in the pop-up window - "letter to be entered". When a tooltip is invoked, the word being studied is considered to have passed with an error, and the count of missed words (red counter) will increase by one, and the number of remaining words (grey counter) will decrease by one.

To move to the next word, you must fully enter the correct translation in the input field.

When entering a response, it is allowed to make one mistake, before the studied word is considered passed with an error. When the first mistake is made, the input field will turn yellow.

If two or more errors are made when entering a response, the word being studied will be considered "passed with an error", while the input field will turn red, and the number of words passed with an error (red counter) will increase by one, and the number of remaining words (grey counter) will decrease by one.

If no more than one error was made when entering a response, then such a word is considered conditionally studied, and the count of words passed without errors (green counter) will increase by one, and the number of remaining words (grey counter) will decrease by one.

Words that are missed with an error will be returned for repetition after passing all unlearned words, until they are passed without errors.

After completing all the words in one lesson, you move on to the next lesson, where new words will be suggested for learning. The number of words for one lesson is selected in the "Settings" The words offered for this lesson can be viewed in the "Word Cards" tab, such words are randomly selected from the general list of unpassed words in the exercise. The full list of words in the exercise can be viewed in the "{CONST_LGKtab _WORDSLIST}\.

After passing all the words of the exercise, having made no more than one mistake per word, such words are considered conditionally studied and you can proceed to the "Examing\ mode.

If, when passing the tests at "Level 2" you realize that they are too complex for you, you can go straight to "Level 1" without finishing the current tests at "Level 2".

You can also pass the "Knowledge Test" for all words in one exercise and "Transfer the results" of such a test to the "Study" mode, thereby weeding out all previously learned words.

Level 1
Level 2
Word cards
Translate from Russian
Translate into Russian
Listen and translate
Enter a translation
0/0/0/0  0(0.00%)
Voice Over Setting
Reset Progress Delete your word list Configuring Speech Synthesis
For the convenience and efficiency of checking the changes made to this setting, it is in the "Study" mode in the word card tab. To disable/enable speech synthesis, see the "Settings" tab, the first parameter.
Unload word list in Excel Instructions

Mode "Study"

This mode is designed to increase vocabulary and consists of two levels.
Level 1 - consists of lessons including the following tests:
  • Translate from Russian
  • Translate into Russian
  • Listen and translate

You can manage the list of tests included in "Level 1" in the application settings, which allows you to disable or add a test in the lessons.

Level 2 - includes a lesson consisting of one test:
  • Enter a translation

this level is intended for advanced users who want to go through "{const_LGK_learning}" mode to practice spelling without wasting time passing other tests. in this mode you can make one mistake before the word you are learning is considered unlearned and is added to the list of words to repeat. for this level you can enter a response from the keyboard or using the help of The device's microphone (voice input).

Words are added to the tests in a chaotic order to exclude the possibility of remembering the order of answers.

The transition from one word to another is possible only after the user has provided the correct answer, which leads to the fact that the user automatically goes through the process of learning this word when providing the correct answer.

If an error is made in one of the tests for the word being studied, this word is considered not learned and is added to the list of words for repetition, the words from this list are added to the study after passing all the unexplored words and so on until this word is passed in all tests of one lesson without repetition.

After passing all the words without errors in the "Study" mode, you can switch to "Examing" mode.

Mode "Examing"

This mode is intended for objective knowledge of vocabulary and consists of two levels.
Level 1 - includes the following tests:
  • Translate from Russian
  • Translate into Russian
  • Listen and translate

You can manage the list of tests included in "Level 1" in the application settings, which allows you to disable or add an operated test in for this level. The type of test for checking an individual word is selected in a chaotic order.

Level 2 - includes one test:
  • Enter a translation

This level is intended for users who want to master spelling or pronunciation without being distracted by other types of tests. At this level, one mistake is allowed when writing a word.

Tests and the words to check are chosen in a chaotic order. If a mistake is made in the word being tested, such a word falls into the category of words with errors and a new test is automatically launched to check the new word.

If a word in the test is unknown, it can be skipped by clicking on the skip button by clicking on the "Skip" button (double arrow back), such a word falls into the category of words with errors and a new test is automatically launched to check the new word.

After passing the exercise in the "Examing" mode, the user is given the opportunity to transfer the results of the exercise to the "Study" mode. Thus, this option allows you to synchronize the user's time by automatically transferring the words passed without errors in the "{ mode CONST_LGK_EXAMING}" in the list of learned words for the mode "Study", and the tag generates a list of words to repeat from words in which clippings were made or from missing words.

When you run jobs in "Examing" mode, the user is awarded points for correct answers.
At level 1, one point is awarded for a correct answer.
At level 2, two points are awarded for the correct answer.
Additional points are awarded when you turn on the timer.
When setting a timer in the settings on:
- 2 seconds per word for the correct answer is additionally awarded 4 points;
- 3 seconds per word for the correct answer is additionally awarded 3 points;
- 4 seconds per word for the correct answer is additionally awarded 2 points;
- 5 seconds per word for the correct answer is additionally awarded 1 point;
- 6 seconds per word for the correct answer is additionally awarded 0 points;
Based on the total number of points received for the exercise, the percentage of mastering the mother is calculated.

100% mastery corresponds to all the error-free words of the exercise with the timer enabled for 3 seconds per word at level 1 or 2 seconds per word at level 2.

Word List

In this mode, a list of all the words learned in the exercise is displayed in alphabetical order.

Words highlighted in green - These are words passed without errors. Such words are considered learned and are in the list of learned words.

Words highlighted in red - These are missed words with errors. Such words are on the list for repetition.

Words highlighted in grey or turquoise - These are not passed words and are in the list of unpassed words.

For ease of navigation, each of the lists can be hidden or shown, as well as search for the desired word by typing it into the search bar.

The status of words in the list is automatically updated after:
- passing the next lesson;
- Moving progress from "Examing" mode to "Study" mode;
- After resetting progress.


"Enable/Disable Speech Synthesis" - This setting enables or disables the sound pronunciation of the words passed during the tests in the exercise.

"Enabling/Disabling Vibration when Responding" - This setting is designed to increase the sense of responsiveness of the application when the user works with it. This setting is only available on android mobile devices.

"Enable timer in "Examing"" - This setting enables the timer mode when passing the knowledge test. The timer is updated when you go to the next word, after the expiration of the timer set in the settings, if you do not provide a response, such a word goes to the list of incorrect answers and the exercise automatically moves to the next word. This setting affects the number of points obtained when passing the exercise in the "Checking Checkout" mode.

"Seconds Per Word" - This setting allows you to select the number of seconds to provide an answer in the "Examing\ mode. When passing the knowledge test in the tests "Enter the translation" by the time selected in this setting, 0.3s is achieved for each letter of the word being tested.

"Number of words in a lesson" this setting allows you to select the number of words that will be passed in each test of the lesson before moving on to the next test or lesson. This setting takes effect after completing the lesson already started (the lesson is considered started after the start of any of the tests or after the transition to the word cards in the lesson) or after "Reset progress". The list of words, in the volume according to the specified setting, is compiled in the chaotic order of their general list of unpassed words, if there are no such words left, then the list of words is compiled from the words passed with an error.

"Number of words in the knowledge test" - This setting allows you to select the number of words that will be passed in one exercise. Changing this setting will reset the progress of the already started exercise in "Examing\ mode. The list of words, in the volume according to the specified setting, is compiled in the chaotic order of their general list of words.

"Reset Progress" - this setting allows you to reset the progress of the "Study" and "Examing" modes. This setting is recommended for acivation before re-passing this exercise. In order to consolidate in the long-term memory of the knowledge gained during the passage of this exercise, it is recommended to undergo this exercise again every two weeks, months, six months, depending on the results of the knowledge test when re-passing the exercise. Optionally, this setting allows you to reset progress and settings (this reset option is recommended if the application crashes).

"Configuring Speech Synthesis" - this setting allows you to choose the voice, timbre and speed of pronunciation of words voiced by the application. To expand the list of voices available for selection, you need to download to your device or browser and activate additional sound packages. Each browser and device has its own voice vote selection package.

"Launch Offline" - this site or application may work offline. Before launching the offline mode, it is necessary at least once in the online mode to cover all the pages intended to be opened in offline mode.

"Unload word list in Excel" - This option allows you to upload the list of words to Excel, in order to correct this list at your own discretion and load this list in the exercise "Your list of words" for further passage.

"Delete your word list" - this option allows you to delete your list of words in the exercises "Your word list", in order to upload a new list of words for training in its place.

Save and transfer progress

The results of passing the "Study" and "Examing" modes are stored in the browser's data store.

Storing the learning progress in the browser's memory eliminates the user registration process when using the application.

Deleting progress from the device's memory is possible when Collecting progress in the application settings, or when clearing the history and browser data.

The ability to transfer the results from the "Examing" knowledge mode to the "Study" mode also allows the user to update and transfer the learning progress from his memory to the browser's memory. The greatest effect of this transfer is achieved when selecting " in the application settings The maximum" (all words in the word list) word count for "Examing" mode.

The option to transfer progress between devices is located on the "Settings" tab of the main application page.

Speech recognition in tests "Enter translation"

Speech recognition for browsers, in its free version, is an experimental function, and in an acceptable version is supported by the Google Chrome browser for personal computers and a little worse (intermediate recognition results are not displayed) for android-based mobile devices. (The feature was not tested on iPhones and Macs.)

This feature is not recommended for beginners.

Features of speech recognition for this site (application):
  • The recognition language is set automatically according to the language of instruction.
  • The recognized translation is correct when it corresponds to the translation of the word being studied specified in the "Word List" for a given word.
  • Many words may not be recognized individually, so words can be spoken in the context of phrases that are supposedly the most commonly used to contain those words. If the translated word is present in such a phrase, the browser will isolate it and compare it with the translation, if a match occurs, such a word will be considered correctly translated.
  • If you recognize the first word that does not correspond to this word, such a word will not be considered passed with an error.
  • If you can't produce a word to recognize it, you can type that word from the keyboard.
  • The quality of display depends on such facts as: the correctness of pronunciation, the quality and condition of the microphone, the speed of the Internet connection.
  • Enabling this feature when another page is open in the browser using the enabled microphone will lead to an error in the operation of this application or site.

Video instruction (under construction)

You have already passed this test or disabled it in the settings
To take the tests of the new lesson, read the word cards
To start "Examing" mode, click the start button " "
Confirm Progress Reset
Progress reset
You have already completed this exercise
Confirm deletion of your word list
Test Passed:
Score: 0(0%)
New Record: 0 (0%)
Correct answers: 0
Incorrect answers: 0
Lesson completed.
Progress: 0/0/0/0
Results added to "Study"mode
Changing the word list will reset the progress of the exercise
This word already exists in the word list
A word with this translation already exists in the wordlist
Wordlist restored
Max wordlist length reached
Minimum word list length reached
Export Word List to Excel
Got it
Reset Progress
Reset progress and settings
Run a Knowledge Test
Start the exercise again
Delete your word list
Next Lesson
Next Test
Show wrong answers
Move results to "Study"mode
Write a translation
Say or write a translation
Suitable translation not recognized
Feature not supported by your browser
No microphone or access to
1000 WORDS
Edit Translation
Edit List
Add Word
Delete Word
Listen List
Enter word*
Enter Transcription
Enter Translation*
Rotate Device
On mobile devices, the application runs only in a vertical

Upload Your List Excel , ANKI

Instruction to Prepare and Load Your Lists

Their lists are uploaded as Excel files.
Your list is prepared on the first sheet of the Excel document.
The first line of the document is not loaded and should be used as a title for easy list preparation.
In cell A1, type the word "Original".
In cell B1, type "Transcription".
In cell C1, type "Translation".
Next, fill in the table according to the created header. Strings from line 2 to line 1001 (1000 words) can be loaded into the list.

If the cell in the "Original" or "Translate" stob is not populated for the row, the string will not be taken into account when loading.
Loading the list requires at least six lines, which were taken into account when loading.
If the value entered in a cell is longer than 30 characters, the values in those cells will be truncated to 30 characters.

After you prepare the file, save the file to your device. Click on the "Select file" button (on this page), a file selection window will open, select the prepared file and follow the steps to upload the file (the order of such actions may be individual for different types of operating systems).

The quality of the voiceover for your word lists may be worse than for preset lists, due to the use of a free voice service built into the browser of your device, on some browsers the voice acting in their word lists may not work.

You can delete a previously loaded list in the "Settings" contribution, which appears after the list has been redeemed.

To export ANKI deck to the simulator, select and download the deck to your device from the website ankiweb.net/shared/decks .

Next, you need to convert the downloaded deck to an excel file using the service easy4u.tools/apkg2excel.

Next, you need to prepare the received excel file and upload the simulator in accordance with the instructions for downloading your Excel lists.

On this tab you can "Translate from Russian language" a list of words prepared as files Excel.
The list of words is prepared in an Excel file in the form of the first column of the table starting from the second row and ending with 1001 a string. That is, no more than 1000 words can be translated at a time. To download the prepared Excel file, click on the button "Select a file" located below on this tab.

The translated list will be uploaded to the file system.

Before uploading your file, enter the Yandex Dictionary API key in the appropriate field, which is available for free get it from the link above the field.

The translated list of words can be uploaded to the simulator via the download form at the beginning of the page.


Implemented using the Yandex API service.Dictionary

Загрузка слов с ororo.tv и puzzle-movies.com

Ororo.tv и puzzle-movies.com - сервисы для изучения английского по фильмам, сериалам и мультфильмам.
В этих сервисах наведении мышки или клику по слову в субтитре, появляется перевод слова, далее это слово с переводом можно сохранить в свой словарь.

Инструкции по загрузке

Чтобы сохранить список своих слов с сайта ororo.tv на своем устройстве, нужно зарегистрироваться на нем, накликать слов в свой словарь, перейти на вкладку "Словарь" в своем профиле и нажать на слово "Экспорт" в левом нижнем углу страницы.

Если вы уже зарегистрированы на сайте, и авторизация на сайте происходит автоматически при переходе не него, то можно сохранить свой список слов с сайта на устройство по прямой ссылке Экспорт.

После загрузки файла на свое устройство. Нажмите на кнопку "Выберите файл"(на данной странице), откроется окно выбора файлов, выберите сохраненный файл и выполните действия по загрузке файла (порядок таких действий может быть индивидуальным для разных типов операционных систем).

Качество озвучки для своих списков слов может быть хуже, чем для предустановленных списков, по причине использования бесплатного сервиса озвучки встроенного в браузер вашего устройства, на некоторых браузерах озвучка в своих списках слов может не работать.

Удалить ранее загруженный список можно во вкладе "Настройки", которая появится после загрузки списка.

Чтобы сохранить список своих слов с сайта puzzle-movies.com на своем устройстве, нужно зарегистрироваться на нем, накликать слов в свой словарь.

Код загрузки своих слов:
var a=document.createElement("script");
Для Windows
в браузере Chrome на открытой странице Словарь нажать на клавишу F12, откроется панель разработчика и во вкладке "Консоль" вставить код загрузки своих слов и нажать Enter.
Для Android смартфонов
В браузере Kiwi
на открытой странице Словарь нажать на три точки в правом верхнем углу, в выпавшем списке нажать на пункт "Инструменты разработчка" (находится почти в конце меню), откроется панель разработчика и во вкладке "Консоль" вставить код загрузки своих слов и нажать Enter.
В браузере Chrome
добавьте страницу Словарь в закладки, щелкнув символ звездочки ⭐ в меню Chrome. После этого щелкните еще раз символ звездочки ⭐ в меню Chrome. Откроется окно редактирования закладки. В этом меню в поле название введите "Панель инструментов", а в поле URL введите следующий код:
javascript:(function () {var script=document.createElement('script');
script.onload = function () { eruda.init() } })();
Далее в адресной строке открытой страницы Словарь введите "Панель инструментов" (название ранее созданной закладки), вы должны увидеть в выпадающем списке вкдадку "Панель инструментов/Моб. закладки", щелкните по ней и через несколько секунд, в нижнем правом углу должна появиться кнопка с шестеренками с гаечными ключами внутри. Щелкните по этой кнопке и откроется панель разработчика. На вкладке консоль в панели разрабочика вставьте код загрузки своих слов и нажмите "Execute" в нижнем правом углу.

После загрузки файла на свое устройство. Нажмите на кнопку "Выберите файл"(на данной странице), откроется окно выбора файлов, выберите сохраненный файл и выполните действия по загрузке файла (порядок таких действий может быть индивидуальным для разных типов операционных систем).

Качество озвучки для своих списков слов может быть хуже, чем для предустановленных списков, по причине использования бесплатного сервиса озвучки встроенного в браузер вашего устройства, на некоторых браузерах озвучка в своих списках слов может не работать.

Удалить ранее загруженный список можно во вкладе "Настройки", которая появится после загрузки списка.

Загрузка списка слов "пройденных с ошибками" из других списков слов

На данной вкладке вы можете создать общий список слов из тех слов, что пройдены с ошибками в других упражнениях. Дубли повторяющихся слов будут удалены. К дублям повторяющихся переводов будут добавлены звездочки.

Создать список

Удалить ранее загруженный список можно во вкладе "Настройки", которая появится после загрукзи списка.

Список слов из книг

Для создания своих списков слов из книг нажмите кнопку ниже. Вы перейдете на читалке книг, после загрузки которых вы сможете добавить свои слова из них.

Читалка книг